heavenly yarns

Jul 20, 20222 min

July Knitting Workshops

Please call the shop to register for any of these workshops. There may be homework and a materials list. Classes are from 10:30 am-12:30 pm (unless otherwise noted) and limited to six people. Each workshop is $30.


July 9 (Saturday): The Perfect Buttonhole with Anna Zilboorg. Many a beautiful hand-knit cardigan has baggy buttonholes. In fact, many fine knitters refuse to make cardigans because they cannot make excellent buttonholes. However, in this class you can learn how to make them. They work well in all weights of yarn and for all sizes of holes, hence their use is only limited by your imagination.


July 16 (Saturday): Cast On, Bind Off with Reah Janise Kauffman. There are over 200 ways to begin and end a knitting project and most have a particular purpose. This two-hour workshop will cover a few of the most useful of these techniques (including the Chinese Waitress Cast-on).


July 20 (Wednesday): Cast On, Bind Off with Reah Janise Kauffman. This is the same workshop as the July 16 workshop; two times are available, just sign up for one. This workshop will be held 1:30-3:30 pm.


July 23 (Saturday): Identifying and Fixing Mistakes with Reah Janise Kauffman. There are lots and lots and lots of ways we knitters make mistakes. Some are easy to fix; some take a bit more finessing; and some, well, just have to be ripped out. This two-hour workshop will cover some of the mistakes that take some finesse.


July 27 (Wednesday): Identifying and Fixing Mistakes with Reah Janise Kauffman. This is the same workshop as the July 23 workshop; two times are available, just sign up for one. This workshop will be held 1:30-3:30 pm.
