The 20th Annual Maine Fiber Frolic will be held this year on the first weekend of June, the 4th and the 5th, at the Windsor Fairgrounds. This is an exciting yet low-key celebration of yarns, fleeces and fibers, along with related items from spinning wheels to shawl pins. And there are workshops too!

Typically, there are plenty of vendors at this event, and a list of vendors can be found on the Fiber Frolic website. Some of the vendors are in large, airy barns, but many are out in the open. The fairgrounds are spacious and lovely.
If you are interested in breed-specific sheep fleeces or yarns, you may want to pick up a paperback edition of the Field Guide to Fleece, which we have at the shop. This book is indispensable when it comes to information about sheep breeds and the quality of the yarn their fleeces produce. If you are contemplating a purchase at the fair, having this book on hand may help guide your purchasing decisions.

Some of us at the shop plan to to attend as customers too. However, if you find yourself in Belfast after coming from the Fair, please come in and show us what you may have purchased. We love seeing what treasure you may have found!